Saturday, January 9, 2016

Interesting fungi in Portugal

 Leratiomyces ceres ( previously Stropharia aurantiaca)
Redlead Roundhead

Mørktannet rødspore

Clathrus ruber/Basket Stinkhorm

Lots of excitement when I found the "eggs" (below) right next to the Basket Stinkhorn (above).
Unfortunately, the eggs were from the ordinary Common Stinkhorn.
However, I had the pleasure of tasting the "nuts" from the eggs for the first time. They tasted, well, nutty.

Common stinkhorn eggs (with "nuts" removed and eaten by yours truly)

Do not mistake the Macrolepiota venenata for the M. procera

Looks similar to Macrolepiota procera but is toxic
Grows in clusters, unlike the M. procera (see below).


Corpinopsis lagopus

Some choice edibles found in Portugal

Saffron Milkcap

Pinewood King Bolete

Amethyst ChanterelleAmetystkantarell)

The XX111 Meeeting of the European Conferderation of Mediterranean Mycolody (CEMM)

I was fortunate to attend the meeting at Fornos de Algodres in Portugal (8-13.11.2015), a fest for fungiphiles. The weather prior to the meeting ensured that mushrooms were everywhere we looked ....and did not look.

Here are some highlights:
Tricholoma saponaceum var squamosum (Skjellet såpemusserong)

Rhodocollybia maculata /Spotted collybia (Flekket rotsopp)