Monday, August 28, 2017

One page about my book

Title: The Way Through the Woods: Of Mushrooms and Mourning

“It felt as if someone had slammed me with a huge sledgehammer…. Just a few hours ago we were a married couple …..Now Eiolf was at the Emergency Ward at Ullevål Hospital. Dead and cold.”

This is a story about a journey that started the day the author’s life fell apart. While in the depths of a life-draining grief, she stumbles upon the wondrous world of mushrooms. In the process, she befriends the Mushroom Pickers, a tribe with their own rites of passage and unspoken rules.  As she sets out on a voyage of discovery into the realm of fungi, she ventures along a parallel journey through an inner landscape of pain and sorrow.

As Long takes the reader through this simultaneously funny and heartbreaking story, her unusual, personal quest soon feels familiar; at its underlying core the story is one of common human experience. We are introduced to mushrooms not only as food or poison, but also their natural history and cultural significance. In the book, the author unveils how the combination of mushrooms and grief triggers fundamental changes in her life by creating new meaning and identity.   

Told in a clear and strong narrative voice, the author’s enthusiasm for mushrooms is particularly charming and is also likely to be contagious.

Long Litt Woon (The surname is Long, born in 1958 in Malaysia) is an Anthropologist and certified Mushroom Expert in Norway. In her youth, she traveled to Norway as an exchange student. There she met and married Eiolf Olsen, a Norwegian, and made Norway her home. Long Litt Woon currently lives in Oslo.

“This is one of the most surprising and original books I have read in a long time – so much to learn and reflect about the human condition and about a natural phenomenon.” 
Knut Olav Åmås (Norwegian critic, commentator and writer)

Thursday, June 1, 2017

#St George's Mushroom #foraging #calocybegambosa #vårfagerhatt #selvberging #sanking

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Dear Facebook friends, I have written a non-fiction book (currently only in Norwegian) due to be published this autumn. It is about two journeys, an external one to the wondrous Kingdom of Fungi and an internal one in the landscape of grief. I have made a FB-page (in Norwegian) about it and am trying to learn how to create a social media buzz as I go along. All ideas are welcome. Want to get an invite to the launch in Oslo, Norway? Please like and share the link. Stay tuned. Stay cool:)
Estimados amigos de Facebook: mi nuevo libro de ensayos, por ahora solamente en noruego, será publicado en septiembre. El libro trata sobre dos viajes: uno externo al maravilloso Reino de los Hongos y uno interno al sombrío paisaje del duelo. ¿Querés una invitación para el lanzamiento del libro en Oslo, Noruega? Si es así, dale "me gusta" a la página y compartila.
Kjære Facebook-venner! Jeg har skrevet en bok med tittel "Stien tilbake til livet. Om sopp og sorg" som kommer ut til høsten (Vigmostad og Bjørke). For å skape interesse for boken har jeg laget en FB-side om bokens tilblivelse. Læringskurven her blir bratt fordi dette vet jeg ingenting om. Alle gode innspill tas imot med takk. Har du lyst å få en invitasjon til lanseringen? Liking OG deling av siden er en forutsetning:)