My book will soon be translated to twelve languages. The following publishers have bought rights to my book:
1. German: btb Randomhouse (btb Verlag)
2. Danish: Don Max, Politikens Forlag
3. Italian: Iperborea
4. Dutch: A.W. Bruna Uitgevers
5. Swedish: Bokförlaget Polaris
6. English: Scribe Publications
7. Spanish: Ediciones Maeva
8. French: Gaïa Éditions
9. Catalan: Ara llibres
10. Finnish: Nemo Kustannus (Kustannusosakeyhtiö Nemo)
11. Japan: Misuzu Shobu
12. Poland: Wydawnictwo Literackie
Photo from former Salt Mines, Cracow, Poland