Sunday, February 9, 2014

Winter Mycological Meeting in Oslo, 2014.

The Norwegian Mycological and Edible Plant Society held their annual Winter Mycological Meeting recently. As usual there were several interesting talks to appeal to a wide range of mycological interests. In addition to the latest scientific findings regarding a particular species or genus, topics like the law governing free access picking mushrooms in the wild and an introduction to DNA analysis were also covered.
Outside the auditorium, the action was less formal and more filled with myco-fun.
2014-02-08 12.39.46
Hermod Karlsen had a small exibition of his exquisite work.
20140209_111540                                    Oliver Smith wore a handknitted sweater from fungi-dyed yarn 
                                 a Conifer Mazegill (Gloeophyllum sepiarium/ved musling) as a bow.
20140209_111740Rolf Hermansen had a hilarious sketch about his trials and challenges as a
officer in the exclusive patrol of mushroom ID verifiers.
Svanhild C. Normann from OppegÃ¥rd included morels in this year's basket.
Katalin Seres wore a handknitted (domino knitting style) sweater from fungi-dyed yarn. 
2014-02-08 09.01.34I contributed some cookies. 

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